Having compiled a list of IT companies you could partner with, your next step is to get some additional information to help you make a decision. The communication will allow you to clarify essential details of future cooperation, comprehend how the agency manages its operation, and conclude whether you are ready to reach an agreement with them.
When choosing an IT service provider for software development, it would be best to analyze what way the service provider has set up their business processes and how they interact with customers. After all, these aspects will define to what extent it will be convenient for you to cooperate with them.
Below, you can find a list of the main questions to ask when choosing a company for web or mobile app project development.
1. Company staff
While you communicate with the agency, one of the essential circumstances to clarify is whether it employs the personnel with the required skills.

Find out:
- How many people does the company employ? How many of them are the specialists you need?
- Does the company have its internal pool of specialists you need, or will it search for them to fulfill your tasks?
- How much time does it take to recruit people with the skills required?
- Will the team work exclusively for your project, or will the company involve the specialists in other tasks? The ideal choice is when the employees are 100% immersed in the customer’s project.
- Is the agency ready to send resumes of available specialists and start to interview them for the projects it is launching? Can you interview suitable candidates yourself?
- What conditions does the agency offer if it is necessary to attract new people or dismiss unsuitable employees?
2. Project management
It is worth asking the agency you are negotiating your cooperation with how project management will be carried out.

Find out:
- Who will directly manage the team of specialists? Outstaffing implies that the customer company supervises the team. When you resort to outsourcing, everything is the other way around.
- What project management tools does the team use?
- Will you be able to use the project management tools and methods accepted in your company?
- What communication channels does the agency use to communicate with customers?
- Whom do you have to contact in case of emergencies?
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3. Working environment
The employees’ efficiency and productivity depend largely on the working environment. That is why it is vital to ensure that the contractor you intend to cooperate with provides their employees with everything they need to fulfill their duties.

Find out:
- What equipment do the employees work with? If you are looking for developers, ask what development environment they work in.
- When does the working day start and end? Can the specialists start their work earlier or prolong their working day if you need to overlap the schedule?
- How the company organizes its work when one of the specialists takes a vacation or sick leave while the project development process goes on?
4. Security
When you work with third-party companies on an outsourcing or outstaffing model, there is always a small risk that something may happen to your data. Therefore, when choosing a contractor, it is crucial to clarify safety regulations.

Find out:
- Will the company sign an NDA with you? Will the NDA apply to employees who are involved in the work on your project?
- How does the agency deal with issues related to intellectual property rights?
- What security measures does the company take to ensure access to project information exclusively to the employees involved in your project?
- Does the agency have a data disaster recovery plan? When did the company last check and verify it?
5. Cost of services
Another important point that needs to be clarified when you choose an outstaffing contractor is how the company calculates rates and pays rewards.

Find out:
- What are the developers’ hourly rates? If the rates are too low, it may hint at inexperienced or unscrupulous contractors.
- What is the minimum number of hours a company can hire a developer for?
- Can the rates change over time? If yes, what does it depend on?
- What are the payment terms and mechanisms?
The question list can be longer, but we have listed the main issues to verify. If you have the answers, you will get enough knowledge to make an informed decision about whether it is worth working with this or that particular company.
For many years, Lvivity has been helping clients develop efficient software solutions designed to tackle their business objectives. If you are looking for a reliable technology partner to help your ideas come true, contact us, and let us discuss the details.