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What is Robotic Process Automation? Everything you need to know (in plain language)

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

More and more companies are now using technology to automate their business processes and solve their routine tasks faster. This approach provides both an opportunity to reduce routine work that employees have to perform and to save time and money.

Robotic Process Automation is a customizable software tool that works using an API and simulates human actions. Special robots emulate employee’s actions related to various repetitive tasks, interact with each other, and are controlled by a single platform coordinating RPA operation.

How Robotic Process Automation work (simple meaning)

The RPA infrastructure is deployed covering existing IT systems, and that makes it convenient to use them even for enterprises with obsolete legacy systems, which are inappropriate to change.

The technology also allows avoiding the need to invest in costly infrastructure upgrades.

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What can RPA do? Use Cases

A robot can work with any process that looks like a repeating sequence of actions. A clear algorithm with no multiple exceptions is the main condition. At the same time, different modules can process data and then exchange it.

Software robots are often used to automate the following tasks:

  • data entry (orders, invoices, etc.);
  • customer request reception and processing in call centers;
  • recruiting and HR tasks;
  • application processing in banks;
  • stockpile management;
  • form creation, filling out, and copying;
  • data/conditions comparison and verification;
  • text, image, and audio recognition;
  • employee account creation and management;
  • report generation, etc.

Regarding the processes that robots should not be trusted with, we provided the answer above — those tasks that potentially require a lot of routine exceptions, as well as high-impact solutions like cash transactions.

Key Business Benefits of Robotic Process Automation

What results can businesses expect from Robotic Process Automation when implemented? The most obvious benefits are as follows:

  1. Speed — robots do everything much faster than humans.
  2. Increased productivity — software robots work around the clock with minimal downtime.
  3. There is no need to create an office workplace for a robot, nor is it necessary to pay for insurance.
  4. The probability of error is almost equal to zero.
  5. Spare human resources become available, and they can be transferred to work with higher added value.
  6. Improved quality of customer services in service companies.
  7. Robotic operations are easily scalable.
  8. Implementation rates and prompt investment return.
RPA Benefits for Business

There is another important advantage — you do not have to replace the existing IT system. RPA is built into it (or on top of it).

Possible Risks and Restrictions for RPA Utilization

As is the case with any other technology, you have to take into account its possible drawbacks or bottlenecks. Concerning Robotic Process Automation, they are as follows:

  • you have to reconfigure the system when changing business processes or system interfaces;
  • work algorithms should be well documented; it is not possible to automate chaos;
  • you need a specialist who can respond to eventual issues when using RPA;
  • there is a risk that some employees will oppose automation ideas or even sabotage them;
  • you always need Plan B: how to manually support business operation when a robotic process fails or there is some kind of emergency stop.

In some cases, there is no point in implementing RPA, for instance, when target processes are too rare occasions, and then, the costs spent will not pay off. Moreover, it may prove completely impossible to implement the technology when processes cannot be described as a repeating pattern.

7 Conditions for Successful RPA Solutions Implementation

Robotic Process Automation Implementation

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RPA implementation in a company can be a daunting task. However, some recommendations will allow you to simplify this task and make it possible to implement everything with a high probability of success.

  • Conduct your business processes audit and formalize them;
  • Assess the potential efficiency from RPA implementation;
  • Identify business processes requiring RPA application;
  • Study available solution options and make an RPA implementation plan;
  • Explain the benefits of RPA to your employees and provide training if necessary;
  • Launch a pilot project, analyze the results, and only then, decide on scaling;
  • Test automation tools regularly to identify weak points and insist on eliminating them.

The possibility to perform more work without increasing the staff is the main advantage that companies receive due to robotic process automation implementation. People, therefore, get more opportunities to engage in intellectual, interesting, and creative work.

This technology has enormous potential for any business. We can help you build a fully-fledged robotization strategy at the company level, and if you are looking for a partner who will take on this task, please, feel free to contact us.

Good automating!

Flexibility, efficiency, and individual approach to each customer are the basic principles we are guided by in our work.

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