Nowadays, you can access the internet in almost any spot throughout the world wherever you go. This web ubiquity makes it easier for common people to solve a wide range of problems and opens up huge business opportunities.
The modern market offers a huge number of useful (and not really) websites designed to solve a variety of tasks. Consequently, when you launch a startup, you will no longer face any problems with technical implementation but with finding sufficiently promising ideas.
We have spent a lot of time and managed to compile a list of cool web app ideas that you can use to launch your startup.
1. Niche Community
Almost every person has hobbies to which they devote their free time. You can develop a web app to bring people with common interests together as it usually happens with communities on social networks, for example, people who are fond of cycling, DIY, portrait photography, etc. The main thing is to aim at a narrow niche, and that will be your competitive advantage in positioning.

2. Quick Advising Services
Professional advising services have always been in demand. This idea for a web app implies that you will create a counterpart of Quora but focused on paid advice.
The platform should connect people who need expert help from professionals in different areas who are ready to provide advice. This idea is pretty simple but may eventually grow into a successful startup.
3. Accommodation Selection Services
Anyone who has ever faced a problem of real estate purchase knows how difficult it can be to find the appropriate property. It is especially true if your budget is limited and you need to buy an apartment or a house for your own family to live in.
The essence of this web project idea is to make it possible for real estate buyers to choose property matching various parameters specified by them. However, you have to focus on the primary market. This way it will be easier for you to estimate available offers, getting information firsthand from developers.
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4. Uber for Industrial Vehicles
The market already offers a sufficient number of startups focusing on people transportation. What if you create Uber’s counterpart but for goods transportation? Later on, you can scale toward industrial transport in general. This idea is especially relevant for large cities.

5. On-demand Services
This category includes food delivery, house cleaning, dog walking, household repairs, and many other types of services. Moreover, free niches are still available here. While large corporations are not interested in this market, the size of it may be quite sufficient for you. Gather your wits, brainstorm, and it is quite possible you will find a free promising niche.

6. Exchanging Things with Other People
Imagine you have a good bike, but for one reason or another, you do not use it, and it is standing idle in your closet corner. You would gladly exchange it for an electric scooter for your kid. Having a website allowing you to exchange things with other people, you can arrange this deal with no problem. Think of launching an MVP engaging your town, city, or even district!
7. News Aggregator
You will currently not surprise anyone with the next news aggregator. Users have a problem of a different nature: how to sift something more specialized from the huge flow of information.
Niche projects are in steady demand, and the idea of a thematic news aggregator web app dedicated to a specific topic shows good prospects. Here are examples of such projects: HackerNews, DesignerNews.
8. Custom-Made Items
Picture yourselves a freelance platform but for craftsmen making handmade things. Instead of the habitual model, when buyers choose a product from the available offers, customers can place pictures or post a description of what they need. Craftsmen provide their suggestions for making the right object or offer similar ready-made products.

9. Location-Based Event Selection
It is a rather good option for a side project for a company working in the event industry. The essence of this web app idea is to provide customers with the opportunity to get info about particular thematic events in a certain city area. The dedicated web app can send a newsletter to customers’ emails or messenger, recollecting and describing events in this location.

10. Subscription Education Courses
Online education is currently a fashion, a necessity, and a good business opportunity. However, not all people can afford to take courses because they are commonly expensive. You can develop an educational startup based on a subscription model. Such a platform may become valuable because it will provide a possibility to get access to training and education on any topic whenever customers need it and at a low cost.
11. Niche Directory or Marketplace
Directory and marketplace websites have always been popular and stay relevant until now. The same thing applies to marketplaces as their model is similar: bring info from different suppliers in one place together.
Such websites are very convenient for users, as they can find all the necessary information in one place. At the same time, the startup owner can make money, selling ads, using the freemium model, and resorting to other monetization methods.
Want to start a project?
Our team is ready to implement your ideas. Contact us now to discuss your roadmap!
12. Info for a Fee
The essence of this web application idea is to offer paid access to content that is of value to a specific audience., an online portal providing statistic data both for free and for money, is a good example. Besides, it can be important information on legislative changes, supplier databases, some kind of closed club, etc.
13. Itinerary Builder
The niche of local tourism and journeys around the country has a lower level of competition than international tourism. Here is an idea for a web app in this area: a platform that allows customers to specify certain criteria and get route suggestions that best suit their needs.
14. Goodreads for Alcoholic Drinks
Millions of book lovers know the website, and its services are in demand primarily due to the huge number of reviews, ranking, and a recommendation system. What about making a similar web app aimed at wine and other alcoholic beverage lovers? How do you like this idea?

To Summarize
A huge number of web apps are already available on the Internet, but this fact does not mean you cannot invent something new to launch a startup. We hope our list will help you in your search, or you will want to use something mentioned in this article. Many of these web app ideas can make people’s lives easier and become the backbone of a successful business.
Have an Idea? Lvivity can design and develop a powerful web application for your business. All you need to do is share your ideas with our team and wait for us to create the app. Contact us now to discuss your roadmap!

Head of Marketing at Lvivity. Overall 10 years experience in online marketing, content strategy, and SEO.
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