A web framework is a software tool used as a basis for web app development. The main advantage of using it in a real-case scenario is that it saves time necessary to write code from scratch. Consequently, there is no need to test it or search for possible errors.
Most part of code is used repeatedly. This applies to such basic functions as database connections and web app page templates. Therefore, when you develop a product, you spend time only on the software code required for the peculiar project.
Two basic types of web frameworks:
- Server-side (backend) frameworks include the ones helping you to build the server part of the product.
- Client-side (frontend) frameworks are those responsible for software elements seen by users when they use a web app.
There are lots of web development frameworks. They differ both in the functionality they offer and in the basic design and architecture principles. That is why various projects may require different frameworks.
As frameworks are designed to be comprehensive solutions, all their features are rarely used in development. Depending on the framework scope, an app may contain more code than necessary.
In this article, I decided to make a selection of the most popular solutions for you to pay prime attention to.
This is one of the most popular Node.js frameworks which serve as intermediate software among the interface, the database, and the server.
Express.js is often called the server for Node.js because it creates an HTTP server for Node.js and supports the intermediate software functionality required to respond to HTTP requests.
This framework has a very large documentation set and great community support. That means you will have no problem finding components and libraries.
This is an open source JavaScript framework specifically designed to create single-page web apps (SPA) and mobile apps using the MVC architectural template.
Angular is actually an evolution of AngularJS, although, this is not a new version but an entirely new framework.
In web application development, Angular has an advantage which allows using dynamic data rather than a static HTML website.
Besides, Angular is supported by Google and has one of the largest communities on Github.
Its main disadvantage is that it is not backward-compatible with Angular 1.x.
This is one of the web-based frameworks developed by Facebook. In addition, ReactJS ensures only a view level and some call features to render HTML code. This is one of the most powerful frontend frameworks.
- When you create an app using ReactJS, it generates a virtual DOM along with a real one, having the same structure.
- Moreover, when HTML is updated, ReactJS first updates the virtual DOM and then finds the difference between it and the real one.
- The ReactJS components contain JavaScript files with JSX and all the necessary logic inside it. It is possible to use similar components on different pages.
ReactJS disadvantages:
- It is impossible to create a fully-featured server app using ReactJS. If you want to switch to another framework, you will have to rewrite the entire HTML from scratch.
- In addition, it is also rather difficult to move an integrated PSD or any other mock-up to a JSX file.
This is a JavaScript library providing the layer of MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) ViewModel pattern. It allows two-way data binding, linking the model and appearance. Vue.js is open source and is supported by a community of developers all over the world.
Vue.js features and advantages:
- Vue.js reactivity is its most valuable feature. Moreover, unlike ReactJS, Vue.js does not use JSX in its component files.
- Vue.js is designed to ensure interface rapid development.
Vue.js disadvantages:
- There are no “in-the-box” functions designed to integrate data from the server. Additional tools and libraries are required for its work.
- It is worth using Vue.js by customers who want to get only single-page web apps (SPA).
How to choose a framework for the project?
Based on the main advantages and disadvantages peculiar to these frameworks, we can highlight the following tips to help you choose the basis for your project:
1. Angular
- You are going to develop a large and complex project;
- You need light and reliable scalability.
2. ReactJS
- Your release deadlines are very close;
- The frontend for your project is uncomplicated;
- Performance and scalability are crucial.
3. Vue.js
- You need high performance;
- Your project size is small.
Of course, Angular, ReactJS, and Vue.js are not the only frontend frameworks on the market, but they are the most popular ones. This means you will be able to easily find developers, there is a lot of data available for free, and the development cost will not be too high.
If you have any questions after reading this article, feel free to contact us and we will gladly provide comprehensive advice.