It is a mobile app designed to buy/sell apartments. It allows the user to thoroughly view and select an apartment based on their own criteria. The elaborate filtering system simplifies and accelerates the process of making a selection.
5 months
3 devs
Services we offer
Mobile App Development
We offer impactful mobile app development services to bring your project to market on every device and platform.
We had to make it possible for the admin to add and manage objects, as well as search objects based on a number of criteria. We also had to implement a function that allows a potential buyer to send a request through the mobile app.
Result achieved
User can choose the main apartment selection criteria, such as the search radius (within a certain area), price range, types of buildings, key location points, and more.
The user can view available apartments in Google Maps and display other neighboring objects, find the price for available objects (in addition to other features), view the selected apartment plan, and discover details about its floor space.
Want to start a project?
Our team is ready to implement your ideas.
Contact us now to discuss your roadmap!