The problem of false values often gets in the way of a successful launch creation and any other projects in general. Usually this is because the original idea was poorly tested and, as a result, the project starts to move in the wrong direction from the very beginning of its development.
To avoid getting into this situation, the software development uses the Proof of Concept (or POC) approach. Perhaps you have already come across this term. Let’s define it and consider this topic in detail.
What is the Proof of Concept in Software Development?
Ok, let’s start with PoC meaning.
Proof of Concept is a general approach that involves testing a certain assumption in order to obtain confirmation that the idea is feasible, viable and applicable in practice. In other words, it shows whether the software product or its separate function is suitable for solving a particular business problem.
The definition of a PoC may make you think that it is a nonessential part of the development process. Not really. Proof of concept in software development helps to avoid possible technical and other problems in the future, and allow you to obtain valuable feedback at an early stage of the development cycle, thus reducing unnecessary risks.
Specifically, within start-ups, this document is used to convince interested stakeholders (investors, co-founders) that the idea you are going to implement has actual value and real-life impact.

The need for Proof of Concept arises in cases when it is necessary to:
- check the idea or planned changes value;
- ensure the chosen plan of workflow is correct;
- determine the limitations for the solution of a specific problem, and make sure that this is technically possible in general;
- check whether the proposed solution matches the expectations of the target audience.

The availability of measurable criteria for assessing the success of the concept is an important point. Otherwise, you won’t be able to correctly interpret the results of the finished work.
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Here are a few questions, the answers of which will help you to draw up the necessary criteria list:
- Why do we do this and what goals do we want to achieve?
- Do you need to test a specific process, function or a general idea?
- What hardware will be used for implementation?
- Is there something that can be compared with this concept?
- What real value do we want to achieve?
- How will this be implemented into the workflow?

In the video below, Michael Humblet briefly explain different types pf proof of concepts:
You can download poc document templates:

The definition of performance indicators and making decision rules will allow you to understand whether to implement the concept after its testing.
Frequently the greatest difficulties arise when developing a product for the needs of an operating enterprise, especially when it comes to big business. The fact is that each department has its own critical issues, which they hope to solve through the software introduction. And they can be very different from each other.
Benefits of Proof of Concept in Software Development
This is one of the most important stages that cannot be ignored when developing complex, lengthy and costly projects. Regardless of the results obtained, POC in software engeneering provides you with two important advantages:
- You can get proof that your idea is really worth making the effort to implement it.
- You can avoid losing money by refusing to spend a budget on what is not viable or unnecessary for the market.
As a rule, the main restrictions in the implementation of any project are time, budget and technology. In order not to waste these resources in vain, this approach is used as a proof of concept in software development.
There are several proof of concept best practices you should follow:

If you do not know where to start, write to us. Lvivity professionals will provide you with free guidance, assist with concept evaluation and, if necessary, can help turn your idea into a great product.

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