Simple and typical websites are usually created based on ready-made CMS, which are plentiful on the market, and one can always find a suitable option. Admin dashboard availability is among the advantages of such platforms. It allows you to flexibly manage all the website contents.
However, CMS will most often not be suitable for complex projects and web apps requiring more flexibility. Such projects are developed from scratch according to customers’ individual needs. This means that both front-end and back-end must also be written from scratch.
Such an approach makes the development process more expensive. That is why it would be logical to find ways to optimize time and cost as well. A proven solution to this problem is to use frameworks providing a ready-made set of components for a website. In this article, we will talk about one of these solutions — Metronic Admin Theme.
What is Metronic and what are its features
This is an adaptive and multifunction admin dashboard template, fitted with Twitter Bootstrap and AngularJS blocks. Metronic has a clear and user-friendly balanced design allowing you to make an attractive and easy-to-operate admin dashboard for website management.

Metronic can be used for any type of web apps: custom admin dashboards, e-commerce servers, CMS, CRM, and SAAS. This set of UI components is part of the ASP .NET Zero multifunction framework, which we have been using to create products for our customers for many years. You can read more about its capabilities in this article on our blog.
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The Metronic template has the following advantages:
- high performance due to its good optimization;
- integration with ASP .NET Zero, an advanced multifunction solution for web app development;
- built with Bootstrap 4;
- native Angular 7 support;
- exclusive datatable plugin;
- over 1,000 template pages;
- 1,500+ UI components;
- 100+ jQuery plugins.
Developers claim that Metronic will save you hundreds of hours that would be spent on creating a user interface.
The admin dashboard theme will cost you only $35. If you are looking for a team capable of taking on all the technical work on the project, feel free to contact Lvivity.
We have extensive experience in implementing successful products designed to meet the needs of customers from various business areas. Contact us and let us talk over all the details.

Flexibility, efficiency, and individual approach to each customer are the basic principles we are guided by in our work.
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