Every company has different needs and capabilities. When companies use custom software, it allows them both to implement their ideas and gain an advantage over their competitors who use template solutions or do not use such tools at all.
If you plan to outsource your software development project, you should adhere to several rules and recommendations, helping you to reduce risks and avoid typical mistakes. Let us list them further on.
1. Prepare a Brief to Describe the Project
If you have enough experience and know the technical part, you can create a document of this kind yourself. Otherwise, you can delegate this work to the development team you hire.
This document will give you an idea of how much time, money, and other resources it will take you to complete a project or MVP.
Do’s: Gather all needed materials upfront.
Don’ts: Find out you’re unprepared mid-project.
2. Research the Target Audience
No demand from the target audience and no actual market for the IT product are among the main reasons why such products fail.
Before you decide to develop a website, mobile app, or any other software product, make sure a substantial number of people will need it. Set the correct priorities and offer users the very features they need indeed.
Do’s: Create user stories.
Don’ts: Build applications from your point of view.
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3. Choose a Technology Stack for the Project
The technology stack significantly influences any IT project. The development time, quality, and cost may differ depending on the technology stack selected. Moreover, the technologies used are the prerequisite for scalability. Consequently, if you choose the technology stack incorrectly, you may end up with several problems in the future. This article on our blog will provide more detail on the topic.
Do’s: Use Reliable Technology and Development Tools.
Don’ts: Go for the ‘Latest’ and ‘Greatest’.

4. Mind Performance and Usability
Virtually, any niche offers users a choice of several competing products, allowing them to solve any issues they may have. Therefore, just offering users certain product functions and capabilities will not suffice if you want to increase and retain the audience. You also have to pay attention to such features as performance, operation speed, and usability.
Do’s: Optimize for best performance.
Don’ts: Make your users wait.
5. Use Agile Development Methodologies
Even when you work on a small project, it is difficult to forecast everything. So, unforeseen circumstances may arise during the development process anyway. With rigid planning, you may experience certain problems with the project. Therefore, we recommend using agile development methodologies with sequential short sprints.
Do’s: Remain open for Customizations.
Don’ts: Ignore the Basic Underlying Aim.
6. Never Neglect Testing and QA
QA specialists do not just play an important part in product development. They actually take part in every development stage — from concept to release. That is not the thing to cut corners on, even though profitability becomes evident here over the longer term. It will take you much less time (and, consequently, lower cost) to eliminate bugs at the initial stage than to start fixing them after months of development.
Do’s: Include QA Testing.
Don’ts: Be Negligent.
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Our team is ready to implement your ideas. Contact us now to discuss your roadmap!
7. Ensure Data Security
Privacy and security issues pose the greatest challenges for companies operating in the tech sector. Access rights differentiation, as well as data storage encryption and security, are equally important measures taken to avoid possible unauthorized access to data by intruders. Your company may suffer serious reputational and financial losses if you ignore such risks.
Do’s: Encrypt sensitive user data in the database.
Don’ts: Store Sensitive Information as Plain Text.
8. Coordinate Work on the Project
Your project success largely depends on how well you manage all the development processes, adjust communication issues, and plan the software development strategy. Therefore, workflow management is not just important but extremely important. The quality of communication between customers and development teams is among the key aspects in this case.
Do’s: Communicate Actively.
Don’ts: Allow Misunderstandings.
Lvivity has extensive experience in software development in various business domains. Therefore, if you need a simple, efficient, and cost-saving solution, contact us, and let us discuss the details.

Flexibility, efficiency, and individual approach to each customer are the basic principles we are guided by in our work.
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