The constantly changing market, the need for quick decision-making, and the drive to reduce risks all require modern approaches to organizing companies’ operation. The complex business process automation is the only way out in such circumstances.
Business process automation implies a partial or complete transfer of typical and recurring tasks and operations from manual control to the control performed by an information system (software or hardware-software complex).
By implementing it, you can minimize costs, increase operation efficiency, optimize your company’s processes, and direct the freed-up additional resources to solve more important tasks.
Automation is also an essential prerequisite for scaling your business. As long as your company grows, the scope of work necessary to execute standard tasks increases as well.
Business Process Automation Examples
You should understand any business process as a particular set of actions performed in a certain order and aimed at achieving a specific result. Actually, the entire company’s work is a wide complex of interconnected business processes.
Here are some different examples from various industries, showing how companies use business process automation to their advantage:
- Automatic development of the working environment for a new employee
- Warehouse stock-taking
- Invoice issuing and processing
- Document flow and file exchange
- Managing tasks or projects
- Monitoring and analysis of large amounts of data
- Customer database maintenance
- Expense tracking and accounting records reconciliation
- Report generation, etc.

We can endlessly continue the list presented above because any company working in any niche always has processes requiring automation.
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Why is Business Process Automation Necessary? Top 10 Benefits for Business
Business process automation allows improving the quality of company management and the quality of its products. Its implementation generally provides any company with several important advantages:
- Increased data processing speed
- Simple solution for recurring tasks
- Operating activities standardization
- Increased concurrence of staff actions and work quality
- Routine reduction through manual labor automation
- Efficient control over large amounts of data
- Increased company’s operation transparency
- Possibility to simultaneously solve several tasks
- Human error reduction
- Time saving and increased business profitability.

Business process automation provides managers with the opportunity to obtain structured and operational data in the form of analytic reports, and that improves the quality of company management and the speed of reaction to internal and external factors.
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What Business Processes Should You Automate?
The process can imply any action algorithm performed in a concise sequence, leading to a certain expected result. Here are some key criteria to check if your company processes can be automated:
- The scope of tasks is quite large
- To implement the tasks, you involve several people or need to coordinate the actions performed by several company employees
- When executed, the tasks have to comply with regulatory requirements (standardization).

A clearly modeled business process allows you both to see the result and control the work at all execution phases to prevent losses and mistakes when “at the track.”
At the beginning of our article, we have already provided examples of those company processes that most often require automation. This information should suffice for you to get a fairly clear idea of what it is all about.
Final Thoughts
The main goal of business process automation is to turn chaotically intertwined chains of interactions within a company into orderly, consistent, and understandable algorithms performed with minimal human intervention. If you are ready to lead your company to the whole new level and scale your business, this will be the most appropriate decision!
Automation implementation is an important and time-consuming process. You can resort to either of the two main ways to implement such a project in your company: to complete the project on your own, choosing some ready-made solutions, or to hire an outsourced team.
You can entrust this work to Lvivity. We possess extensive experience in this area, and we are ready to become a reliable technology partner for you. Contact us, and let us talk over all the details.

Flexibility, efficiency, and individual approach to each customer are the basic principles we are guided by in our work.
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